Thursday, October 31, 2019

Lübnan devrimi üzerine muhteşem bir makale - İngilizce

Yazan Ali Kadri arkadaşımdır, o gönderdi.

Revolution without a revolutionary ideology

Böyle diyor Ali:

"The crisis in Lebanon however is severe. For thirty years, the private Lebanese banks owned by the comprador ruling class charged five to ten times the prevailing world interest rate on bonds of the Lebanese government. Today, the state’s debt to the national banking sector is close to twice the income of the country. After thirty years of borrowing to reconstruct, Lebanon has no potable water supply, public transport, electricity, and cannot even remove its trash. Its capital city and only freshwater lake are possibly the most polluted on earth. Jobs are scarce, and emigration is high. The neoliberal policy of fighting inflation under open capital account, dollarized the economy, usurped much of national wealth, and brought the share of the wage bill from national income from about 50 percent in the late nineties to twenty five percent in 2015. With so much rationing of credit to production and indirect taxes dragging down demand, most private-sector loans owed to the banking sector are non-performing or unlikely to be repaid. The state cannot service its debts without draconian tax and privatisation measures. After years of austerity to pay exorbitant interests on a self-fuelling debt, the public, business and household sectors are all effectively insolvent. If the US decided to delay disbursements to finance future spending with more debt, the house of cards could come tumbling down."

Yani yıllarca sürmüş kemer sıkma politikaları sonucunda kamu, özel şirket ve hanehalkı sektörleri iflas etmiş durumda. Bugünkü ayaklanmanın nedeni borç yani. Tabii bu borçlar nereden çıktı, o ayrı bir konu.