Sunday, August 18, 2019

Bu kez gerçekten farklı. Kapitalizm buradan kapitalizm olarak çıkamaz.

Bu başlıklı İngizce makalemi yazmaya başladım. Şöyle başladı.

This Time is Really Different

Can Capitalism Survive?


T. Sabri Öncü


Congratulating Oldrich

Oldrich Vasicek is an old friend. When I started my "quant" carrier in fixed income (that is, bonds) in January 1994 in Walnut Creek, California, Oldrich was there.  A recently graduated mathematics Ph.D. then, I received my first real-life finance education from him.

Oldrich, a statistician by trait is famous for developing the first theory of term structure of default risk-free interests rates in 1977 (Vasicek 1977). But, despite this, he had been unfortunate until recently because his theory allowed for negative nominal interest rates. Most people considered this a flaw because negative nominal interest rates were unimaginable then.

And now, the entire term structures or −in non-academic parlance− yield curves of Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and Denmark are below zero. These are nominal interest rates. A few days ago, Finland's entire yield curve went below zero also, but at the time of writing (Sunday, 18 August 2019), Finland's longest maturity government interest rate appears to have gone above zero. I am almost sure it will go below zero again. Belgium and Sweden appear to be next in line, although we do not know which one will win the competition.

Hence, I congratulate Oldrich.

Oldrich bu. İstatistikçidir aslında. Benden 20 yaş büyüktür. Yakışıklı bir arkadaştır. 1994'te çok daha yakışıklıydı. 52 yaşındaydı. Şimdi 77. Zaman çok hızlı geçiyor.